Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just another weekend...

This past weekend, our good friend Billy came down to stay. Matt had a weekend planned full of hunting and outdoor activities! He came down Friday and we immediately went and got in the deer blind. We had some sightings...

I apologize for the picture...I forgot my camera so I had to use my phone. I put a star around the doe we saw. She came and played for probably a good 20 minutes. We experimented with Matt's Primos Game Call on his iPhone. Then out the other window Matt spotted the hogs. We all watched them for awhile, counted at least 17 at one point. They moved on to the other feeder and we all took aim and shot on the count of 3. We found blood and tracked it for about 5', then it was dark and we lost the blood trail. Billy and Matt did find it the next day about 50 yards from where it was shot. (Sorry, no pictures, I was fabric shopping in Tyler with my sister).

As soon as I got home though, they guys were loading up to go fishing...so I put on my boots and joined them!

The guys fishing.
You're wondering what we caught, right? I can definitely say it is a first for all 3 of us. We've all caught some serious fish in our day but this...well, see for yourself:

Yes, yes, that is indeed a real LIVE alligator! It was about 3' long. The guys hooked it...instantly became a combination of Willy from Swamp People and Steve Erwin and wrangled that thing! We put a zip tie around it's mouth and covered it with a towel to keep it calm, cool and collected. Then it was off to show as many people as we could and have a photo session!

Billy, Matt, Me, Daddy-O & Grandaddy
After our fun and photos, we decided to let him go free, so we took him down to Brushy Creek and released him.

You can see him in the center, swimming to freedom!
I don't know how you top an experience like that...but I'm sure one day we will succeed! We went back to the deer stand that night and we saw another doe. We watched her until just about dark and packed up and headed home. We enjoyed the company and cannot wait until next time!


  1. What No Tag for the little guy???

  2. I will never forget all of the squealing that went on! What a feisty little guy!

  3. Heaven on Earth! You were created for God's good pleasure.
    I believe He is sending you these precious uncommon events
    because He enjoys how you stop the busy-ness of this life
    and enjoy all creatures great and small.
    Ms. Paula...I can just hear the squeals!
    What a testimony! I feel God is grinning really BIG...me too!
