Now that I have my Chalkboard with my To Do List, I needed a calendar to keep track of everything happening. Once again, Picky Nikki was in full force! I don't like desk calendars, paper calendars, or online calendars. I like to have a big space to write everything in and see the whole month at once, not just a weekly calendar. So, not being able to find one, I made one (with the help of the hubster)!
Remember the big barn with all the fun tools you saw before? Well, we used those tools to make a frame! We got 2x4's and planed them down, made a good edge, rabbited the other edge for the frame and pocket screwed it together! can just as easily go buy you a frame! Check out Hobby Lobby when they have their custom framing 50% off.
Here is the frame we made, and I decided to paint it black. |
While the frame was drying, I made the calendar on the dry erase board. Daddy-O had some scrap magnetic dry erase material left over from a project that he gave to me. You can buy this at your local hardware store, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc. You will need your dry erase material, a yard stick and tape (I used art tape, found at Hobby Lobby).
Materials for Calendar. |
Depending on the size of your frame and material, measure and divide by the number of columns and rows you want. I allowed for 7 rows (Month, day of week and 5 weeks) and 7 columns (# of days per week).
Once I had this complete and my frame dried, I attached this to the frame using small screws and hung the frame on the wall.
I also thought I needed something to store my dry erase markers, so I found an empty soup can, tape, scrap piece of paper and ribbon. I drilled a hole in the can, to attach it to the wall, taped the paper around the can and tied a ribbon, just for a little more pizazz!
My finished product! |
I'm very pleased with how this turned out, and as you can see, that calendar is filling up fast! Time to get back to work on that To Do List from last week! =)
I was wondering what material you used to make columns and rows?