Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Family Fishing Fun

Last Friday evening we didn't have any plans and really had a hankerin' to go fishing! My mom has been telling us how good the fishing has been down at Lake Mary, so we called to make sure they were home and headed down. We got the boat ready and my Dad, Mom, Matt and I headed out. I decided I would take a picture of everyone with what they catch so I could blog about it...and my dad's exact words, "Well, I don't wanna be a blog hog!" Haha! You'll see who ended up with the most!

Mom - 1 (she said it was the matching blue lure and t-shirt)

Dad - 1

Matt - 1

Dad - 2

Me - 1
Mom - 2
Dad - 3

Mom - 3

Me - 2
Mom - 4 (she said it licked her) LOVE her face!

Mom - 5

Matt - 2 (if you know perch, he was squeezing it trying to make it pee on me) TRUE LOVE!

Mom - 6

Mom - 7

Matt - 3

Me - 3

We had a blast...so many laughs! Dad was so proud of mom beating us all too (hehe)! We have a trip planned to go to Richland Chambers and go jug fishing the last weekend in March...so stay tuned for pictures of that trip!

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